In this report, inventories of groundwater, surface water, domestic water and wastewater resulting from the activities of Met Kağıtçılık Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi, whose production facility is located in Akçaburgaz Mah. 1584. No:7/11 Esenyurt/Istanbul, are compiled for the year 2023.
Met Kağıtçılık Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi was established in 1989 as an important link in the Aras Group's service chain. The company, which does not limit its service range to paper import and marketing, has adopted the principle of producing solutions to customer problems as a principle. Met has always been a follower of current technology by closely following the developments and technological innovations in the world paper and cellulose market together with the organizations it works with.
Met Kağıtçılık has been producing packaging materials that come into direct contact with food using extrusion coating technique since 2016 under the Metpack brand. Met Kağıtçılık, which was the first to bring the latest technologies to the sector, maintains its leadership in the paper sector today with the quality products it offers. Working together with world-class companies, Met Kağıtçılık is capable of meeting all kinds of paper needs of the sector. With its in-house research department, Met Kağıtçılık can instantly access new products that the sector needs.
The concept of water footprint is an alternative indicator of water use. It differs from traditional water statistics in that it examines the amount of water consumed rather than the amount of water withdrawn from the system. The blue, green and gray water footprint are the three components of the water footprint that represent water use and quality. Water Footprint is measured by the amount of water consumed (including evaporation) and/or polluted per unit time. The water footprint of a producer or facility is the total amount of freshwater resources consumed by the producer to produce products and services.
The Blue Water Footprint is used for the total volume of surface and underground freshwater resources needed to produce a product or deliver a service, and is traditionally the water resources that come to mind when freshwater is mentioned. Blue Water Footprint is defined as the volume of freshwater consumed, both surface and groundwater. Water consumption can take place in four different ways, listed below:
The water sources from which water is withdrawn from any water body for use and returned have a direct impact on the blue water footprint, and seasonal time differences in the process of water withdrawal and return are also important variables in determining the blue water footprint. The annual blue water footprint for a facility can be calculated using the following equation.
Blue Water Footprint = Evaporation + Water Used in the Product + Water Losses
In the section called water losses, the source of water intake and the source of waste water discharge should be taken into consideration. If the source of the water taken is different from the source where the waste water is discharged, the water losses will be equal to the amount of waste water. If the water is taken from the same source and discharged to the same source, the water losses will be zero.
Green Water Footprint is the total rainwater used in the production of a product. However, the rainwater referred to in the green water footprint is not lost or mixed with groundwater; it is stored in the soil or above ground for a period of time. Since rainfall affects green water supply and demand, climate change and variability should be taken into account when assessing a region's green water needs. The green water footprint is an indicator of green water use (rainwater). Green water is the portion of rainfall that is stored in the soil or that remains on top of temporary soil or vegetation. Plants use this water source through transpiration. The green water footprint shows the volume of rainwater consumed in the production process.
The Gray Water Footprint is an indicator of pollution. It refers to the amount of freshwater used to eliminate or reduce the pollution load, based on current water quality standards. Therefore, the concept of gray water is considered in relation to population and industrial growth.
The gray water footprint is an indicator used to express the pollution associated with the production process in the entire supply chain of a product. It is defined as the volume of freshwater required to dispose of wastes according to current water quality standards and the natural Concentration of the water source. It is calculated so that the total volume of water required to neutralize pollutants is above accepted water quality standards. To calculate the graywater footprint, the pollutant load (L) delivered to the receiving environment is divided by the difference between the ambient water quality standard (Cmax) and the natural concentration in the receiving water environment (Cnat):
Gray Water Footprint = L/(Cmax - Cnat)
In the report, the inventory of groundwater, surface water, domestic water and waste water resulting from the activities of Met Kağıtçılık Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. has been compiled for the year 2023.
In 2023, water supply to the enterprise is provided from well water, mains water and carboys. Water consumption records are kept at the headquarters of the enterprise.
Water consumption data is monitored on a monthly basis. The water supplied is used as domestic water or process water in the facility. Drinking Water is purchased in carboys.
Industrial waste water is generated from the process. The discharge amount of post-use and post-process waste water and their values according to waste water parameters are given.
The company produces polymer (PE, PP, PET, PLA, Home Compostable) coated paper packaging materials that come into direct contact with food using extrusion coating technique. Met Kağıtçılık Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. has prepared a “Water Footprint Inventory Report” on an organization basis in order to reach the targets set to ensure water use and water safety arising from the activities of all locations. The report was prepared in accordance with the requirements of “ISO 14046 Water Footprint - Principles, Requirements and Guidelines”. This report has been prepared for internal use and will be presented to company stakeholders.
In this context, the report aims to;
This report covers the water footprint activities carried out within Met Kağıtçılık Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. and at the facilities located in the following locations.
The study covers the following phases in accordance with the requirements of the ISO 14046 Standard.
This report covers the blue and gray water footprint of Met Kağıtçılık Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. as a result of activities related to water consumption within the boundaries of the organization between 01.01.2022-31.12.2023.
All operations within Met Kağıtçılık Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş. are included in the system boundaries. Within the framework of the operational control approach, 100% of the water use and water discharge arising from the operations of the company is included in the calculations.
Akçaburgaz Mahallesi 1584 Cadde, 1573 Sokak No:7 Esenyurt İstanbul/ Türkiye
The Water Footprint Inventory Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of “ISO 14046 Water Footprint - Principles, Requirements and Guidelines”. In this study, a door-to-door approach was applied. In this context, all production units and processes are included in the study boundaries.
While determining the scope of water resources, “ISO 14046 Water Footprint - Principles, Requirements And Guidelines” standard was taken into consideration. “The Water Footprint Assessment Manual” was utilized during reporting. References regarding the water resources and data included in the reporting The inventory of drinking water, domestic water and wastewater arising from the activities in the production facilities of the enterprise, the R&D work center and the head office where they are managed is monitored with the ISO 14046 Water Footprint Calculations Excel for the year 2023 and is available in this excel file. The source of water consumed is municipal water, surface water and water from external uses. A “door to door” approach is applied for the entire process.
In water footprint calculations; usage and process water were determined with primary data such as invoices and meter readings. It is assumed that 80% of the water used is transferred to the canal as waste water.
In Blue Water Footprint calculations, water is supplied from the network. Carboy water is purchased as drinking water. Blue water footprint is calculated using primary data.
Since there is no rainwater used in product production or rainwater stored and used for any purpose within the boundaries of the facility, no green water footprint calculation has been made.
Since water sample analyses are not known, pollutant loads were calculated according to SKKY by taking 2-hour composite sample data. In the gray water footprint calculation, the receiving environment concentration was included in the calculation according to SKKY 24-hour composite sample data. Gray water footprint calculation was made on the basis of COD, BOD and ECM parameters, and the higher value of the pollutant load was included in the gray water footprint.
The Water Footprint Inventory Report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of “ISO 14046 and Water Footprint - Principles, Requirements and Guidelines”.
Water Footprint - Principles, Requirements and Guidelines;
The total water footprint is calculated as 7997.55 m3/year.
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